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    Peralatan Diklat Pelaut

  • Peralatan Diklat Pelaut

    Peralatan Diklat Pelaut

Hightlight Products
VR (Virtual Reality) Based Learning

Digital learning using VR Device to experience being in a real environment

BLUE CBT (Computer Based Training)

Computer-based learning with multimedia content for cadets majoring in nautics, technics and ETO departments. Equipped with a quiz at the end of the lesson

Terminal Operating System Simulator (TOSS)

Software-based simulator for container terminals service management activities at the port

Latest Project
- Pengadaan Model Stabilitas Kapal
CV. Ivanly Jaya (2014)
- Pengadaan Peralatan Diklat Perhubungan Laut
PIP Semarang (2014)
- Ship Stability Simulator
PT. Kirana Mitra Persada (2014)
- Pengadaan Ship Stability Simulator
AMY Yogyakarta (2015)
- Pengadaan Peralatan Berupa Cargo Handling Simulator
BP3IP Jakarta (2015)
see us closer to the competence we have ...
Why Choose Us
Development Process
*) DRM (Development Review Meeting), is a quantitative-interactive action meetngs with the user team , as a part of our customer intimacy policy to achieve our product match with the DRO
Practicum Module

CBT Modules : containing explanation on the realted background theory or/and techniques which as the fundalmental design of apparatus to gain the khowledge of tainees, expressed in 2D or 3D compueter generated image (animated or un animated) with clear writen and oral narations; it also contain the explanation how to operate the apparatus

CBT Modules : containing more explanation by interactive ways as necessary on the matters contained in CBT Modules, to strengthen understanding of trainees. it could be applied as assessment materials.